Total lunar eclipse bathes moon in red glow

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The Moon was bathed in red on Tuesday during a total lunar eclipse visible from North America to the Pacific but not in Europe.

The eclipse’s totality, where the Moon is entirely in Earth’s shadow – lasted between 10:17 and 11:42 GMT.

It was seen across North and Central America, parts of South America, and Asia, Australia, and New Zealand.

It wasn’t visible in Europe, which will have to wait until the next total lunar eclipse on March 14, 2025.

Moon beside temple


During a lunar eclipse, the Moon turns red because the only sunlight reaching the Moon passes through Earth’s atmosphere, Nasa said in a specially dedicated page on its website.

Moon against statue


“The more dust or clouds in Earth’s atmosphere during the eclipse, the redder the Moon will appear. It’s as if all the world’s sunrises and sunsets are projected onto the Moon,” Nasa said.


Gregory Willis is an American columnist, journalist, editor, and author. Gregory worked in several positions in politics and government, including freelancing for publications like Benzinga and Seeking Alpha.

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