It would be naive, almost catastrophic, to believe that things will return to normal and be as bad as they were at the beginning of the pandemic. It means that we must change in order to survive and prosper in this coming era. Although each country is in a different phase of pandemics, and many companies are having difficulty managing the situation in the here and now, it is also important to focus attention on the future sooner rather than later, let alone think about its impact.
Some governments are already contemplating life after the lockdown, hesitating to allow as many companies as possible to resume business and restart world trade, while forecasts of a global recession become bleaker by the day. As many countries begin to loosen lockdown restrictions, business leaders around the world need to understand that we are all on the edge of the abyss and how best to respond.
How will the resumption of economic activity affect the global economy and the global economy as a whole, not just the United States and Europe?
The emergence of coronavirus and covid 19, if it comes to it, will cement a new post-crisis world order. The Economist argues for restoring the global economy as a whole, not just the United States and Europe. Businesses need support from all of us, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation or political affiliation.
Western society, which was the norm in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, will be replaced by growing respect and admiration for the human rights of all people, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or political affiliation. The current global COVID-19 crisis has provided an opportunity to draw on the experience of developing countries in combating infectious diseases. To date, official development policies, which have been repositioned to respond to changing human mobility and a more investment-oriented approach to development, have not been fundamentally redirected.
For many of us, the COVID 19 pandemic is an opportunity to see the world-changing before our eyes. Because of our history of development cooperation, we do not expect a revolution in this respect but based on what we cannot expect.
What will the world look like when the pandemic is finally under control, and what are the three areas to follow? The Israeli author David Grossman wrote: “The plague is so widespread that many people will live in fear of it for the rest of their lives,” according to the New York Times.
Many have now become “zoom power users” as a class and community, and many more as individuals. Those of us who live in unusual and difficult times invite us to think seriously about important existential issues.
We ask ourselves: what will the world look like after COVID 19, and how will we forget all this and what about the future?
Mayors of many of the world’s leading cities have warned that there will be no return to business as usual if humanity is to avoid catastrophic climate collapse. We cannot fail to reflect on the consequences of COVID 19 and its consequences for the future of humanity. Will we be prepared to respond to the results of this experience, or will it do more harm than good?
The city leaders, who represent more than 750 million people, have issued a declaration of principles in which they commit to putting greater equality and climate resilience at the heart of their policies. Half-measures that maintain the status quo will not move the needle or protect us from the next crisis, said Michael Bloomberg, Mayor of New York City and co-chairman of COVID.
It will also be interesting to see how the White House reacts to this moment with a view to future crises. Given Trump’s record on climate change and his rejection of the Paris accord, there could be another crisis if Trump acts as a more liberal president and conservative Republicans rally behind him.
As with many other crises, the current health crisis will leave its mark on how we interact with our environment and with each other. As a result, state restructuring will be needed to prepare for future pandemics. The terrorist attacks of September 11 hastened the creation of a new Department of Homeland Security.
Looking at the initial reactions from different angles, it seems likely that the economic and temporary derailments resulting from the collapse of the global financial system and the subsequent financial crisis will bring little significant change from a development partner’s perspective. However, they will undoubtedly add to the list of factors that will bring developing countries to their knees without the most appropriate political partners at their side. These countries will discover their fragility, reflecting the difficulty of meeting the needs of their citizens and governments as they try to respond to large exogenous shocks.