The global travel and tourism industry is set to register an average 3.9% growth every year over the next 10 years according to a recently released report by the World Travel & Tourism Council.
The newly released SAGE International Encyclopedia of Travel and Tourism has inputs from scholars from around the world wherein they have presented challenges and opportunities that the industry faces as it continues to grow. The encyclopedia consists of more than 500 entries that address social, economic, environmental, and policy issues.
“The aim of this encyclopedia is to cover the breadth of topics related to travel and tourism from both social science and business management perspectives as well as from multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, postdisciplinary, and critical lenses,” writes editor Linda L. Lowry, Ph.D. “In addition, aspects of both tourism supply and demand issues are addressed through coverage of research topics and practices; destination level tourism planning and development; marketing and communication; and issues related to travelers and the types of travel experiences they seek.”
The encyclopedia sheds light on global, regional, national, and local concerns, such as transportation, infrastructure, the environment, and business promotion. It takes into account the traditional tourism administration curriculum and social science disciplines, which are affected by the travel and tourism industry.